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ha recensito Storie della tua vita di Ted Chiang (Scritture, #19)

Ted Chiang: Storie della tua vita (Paperback, Italiano language, 2008, Stampalternativa) 4 stelle

Se gli uomini avessero costruito una torre fino al cielo? Se un farmaco incrementasse l'intelligenza? …

Un must attualissimo

5 stelle

Questo libro sembra scritto ieri, eppure ha già più di vent'anni.

Tutti i racconti sono affascinanti, ma soprattutto l'ultimo racconta una facciata della società… attualissima. Non vedo l'ora di leggere altro di Chiang, se è tutto di questo livello… wow.

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Babel (EBook, 2022, Harper Voyager) 4 stelle

From award-winning author R. F. Kuang comes Babel, a thematic response to The Secret History …

A postcolonial, antiracist Harry Potter

4 stelle

Kuang's story surprises. This coming-of-age (and coming-of-revolution) story introduces us to a world where the the 19th-century Industrial Revolution is made possible not by steam and worker oppression but by the magical powers of translation and colonial exploitation. The experiences of the protagonist, a Cantonese boy that adopts the English name Robin Swift, lead us to an imagined Oxford that is as intriguing as Hogwarts but that has sins that Kuang not only does not whitewash, but makes the centerpiece of her novel. The historical notes and especially the etymological explanations are fascinating, if occasionally pedantic. Once you get your head around this world and how it works, you'll want to hang on to the end to see how a postcolonial critique during the height of the British Empire can possibly turn out.