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Tanjiu: SQ cong ni de ming zi kai shi = (Chinese language, 2016, Zhejiang ren min mei shu chu ban she) 3 stelle

Review of 'SQ cong ni de ming zi kai shi =' on 'Goodreads'

3 stelle

I have kind of a problem with a lot of manga series I randomly pick up and read.

At first I think their essential design is awesome and so unlike all the popular manga I've read, few lines, few colours, absence of background...
Then after a bunch of episodes I begin to notice that the comic is becoming more complex and detailed. BUT I LIKED IT THE WAY IT WAS BEFORE.

Man... I've come to the conclusion that when they have a little success and they also gain a studio with slave-artists that do the job of the author, it's time to drop the series. I'm so hipster that I read only the first few issues and then I toss the comic off the window