
You Can't Heal If You're Hiding from Yourself

Brossura, 124 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 10 Settembre 2017 da Authentic Self Press.

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4 stelle (1 recensione)

Do you wonder or worry about your gender or sexual feelings?Do you have unanswered questions about your gender or sexual feelings? Are you worried about what other people might think of you if they knew? Or do you know someone who is struggling with their identity and you don't know how to help? You are not alone.Dr. Ron Holt has spoken to thousands of college-age students to help them make sense of their questions and their lives. This book gives you information that has helped many people sort out what it means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or questioning (LGBTQ). Dr. Holt will be your guide to help you understand and learn about important issues, including: -Sexual feelings and your sense of gender are not things you choose.-Whether and when it makes sense to tell anyone about your feelings.-What to do if others disapprove or don't like you because …

1 edizione

You Can't Heal If You're Hiding from Yourself

4 stelle

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