To the nines

a Stephanie Plum novel

mass market paperback, 312 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 27 Settembre 2003 da St. Martin's Pr..

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3 stelle (1 recensione)

Stephanie Plum's got rent to pay, people shooting at her, and psychos wanting her dead every day of the week (much to the dismay of her mother, her family, the men in her life, the guy who slices meat at the deli...oh, the list goes on). An ordinary person would cave under the pressure.

But hey, she's from Jersey.

Stephanie Plum may not be the best bounty hunter in beautiful downtown Trenton, but she's pretty darn good at turning bad situations her way...and she always gets her man. In To The Nines, her cousin Vinnie (who's also her boss) has posted bail on Samuel Singh, an immigrant who becomes an illegal alien by violating his Visa and extending his stay in the United States. When the elusive Mr. Singh goes missing, Stephanie is on the case. But what she uncovers is far more sinister than anyone imagines and leads to …

9 edizioni

ha recensito To the nines di Janet Evanovich (Stephanie Plum (9))

Review of 'To the nines' on 'Goodreads'

3 stelle

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When in doubt, eat some cake.

Ebbene, Janet Evanovich è riuscita ancora una volta a farmi piangere dalle risate, amo questa serie e niente mi rende più triste di leggere che negli ultimi volumi (è arrivata al venticinquesimo) la qualità è calata parecchio… vedremo se ci arriverò! Per il momento, posso dirvi che, se avete bisogno di ridere, le (dis)avventure di Stephanie Plum potrebbero fare al caso vostro!

«My grandmother is a little Cuban woman who cooks all day and speaks Spanish. Your grandmother watches pay-per-view porn».
«She used to watch the Weather Channel, but she said there wasn’t enough action».

In questo nono episodio, la maggior fonte di risate sono state le diete di Lula, evidente presa per i fondelli di tutte le diete strambe che vanno di moda e che vengono pubblicizzate dai vari giornali/VIP/influencer o …


  • Plum, Stephanie (Fictitious character) -- Fiction
  • Women private investigators -- New Jersey -- Fiction
  • Bounty hunters -- Fiction
  • Detective and mystery stories
  • New Jersey -- Fiction