Roadside Picnic

Tale of the Troika

245, pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 01 Gennaio 1977 da Macmillan.

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4 stelle (5 recensioni)

Roadside Picnic is set in the aftermath of an extraterrestrial event called the Visitation that took place in several locations around the Earth, simultaneously, over a two-day period. Neither the Visitors themselves nor their means of arrival or departure were ever seen by the local populations who lived inside the relatively small areas, each a few square kilometers, of the six Visitation Zones. The zones exhibit strange and dangerous phenomena not understood by humans, and contain artifacts with inexplicable properties. The title of the novel derives from an analogy proposed by the character Dr. Valentine Pilman, who compares the Visitation to a picnic.

7 edizioni

Thought provoking and unique take on the first contact trope

4 stelle

Roadside Picnic is one of the most unique books of science fiction I have read. A first contact story where we don’t get whats going on, things happen too quickly, and the aliens leave without further to do, and the world keeps spinning.

The only trace of their Visit is some areas known as The Zones, where strange phenomena and dangerous traps can ben found at every corner, as well as strange objects and alien technology beyond human understanding, that lies there for whoever is willing to take it.

Those who venture inside the Zone to scavenge those goods are known as stalkers. The artifacts they find they then sell to whoever is willing to pay, making it a lucrative, if dangerous job. Of course, the government is trying to investigate and find a use for those objects as well, so being a stalker is very much illegal.

In this …

A great read

Nessuna valutazione

This is a second Slovenian translation of Roadside Picnic and this time we got uncensored version of the book translated by the same translator. It has a very informative foreword which speaks about the fight that brothers Strugacky with the Soviet Union state bureaucracy to get this work published. What is really interested is that the censors in the end took out the bad language in the swear words. Roadside picnic is, according to the foreword, one of the few books that won the battle against censorship. The book is apolitical with slight anti-capitalist subtone so it is hard to imagine why it was not approved by the censors in the first place.

Regarding the book itself it is very gripping sci-fi thriller that questions what is humanity. It is almost at the top of my suggestion list.


4 stelle

Il romanzo fondamentale del cyberpunk è indubbiamente Neuromante di William Gibson. L'elemento essenziale è sicuramente la presenza di tecnologia di rete e come questa si integra con l'essere umano. L'obiettivo principale è esaminare l'essenza dell'essere umano, motivo per cui un autore come Philip Dick viene considerato dallo stesso Gibson un ispiratore, se non addirittura un precursore del genere. Altro elemento essenziale del cyberpunk è l'ambientazione dentro la quale i protagonisti si muovono: i bassifondi di un mondo in decadenza. A volte succede che questi bassifondi sono anche a contatto con sostanze artificali, generalmente di produzione umana, che influenzano in maniera negativa i comportamenti delle persone. Ed è proprio in uno di questi ultimi casi che ricade Picnic sul ciglio della strada dei fratelli russi Arkadi e Boris Strugackij o Stugatzki. La storia è abbastanza semplice: accanto a sei città differenti della Terra compaino improvvisamente delle particolari Zone al …

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4 stelle