Too many similarities with LotR, with a far less inspiring prose. Not for me.
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Triffid tamer. Melange smuggler. Cthulhu worshipper. Saving for a ticket to the Off World colonies.
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vonblubba rated The nostalgia nerd's retro tech: 3 stars

The nostalgia nerd's retro tech by Peter Leigh
Publisher description:
This book celebrates the most exciting period in the history of technology - the arrival of the home …
vonblubba reviewed The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #1)
vonblubba reviewed Leviathan Falls by James S.A. Corey (The Expanse 9)
vonblubba rated The Traitor's Hand: 4 stars
vonblubba rated Sons of Fenris: 3 stars
vonblubba rated The Da Vinci Code: 2 stars

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery thriller novel by Dan Brown. It is Brown's second novel to include …
vonblubba rated Caves of Ice: 3 stars
vonblubba rated Grey Hunter (Space Wolf Series / Warhammer 40,000): 3 stars
vonblubba rated Il nome della rosa: 5 stars

Il nome della rosa by Umberto Eco (I Grandi Tascabili)
La vicenda si svolge nel medioevo, nell’arco di sette giorni, in un monastero benedettino in una località imprecisata del nord …