Priceless Proverbs

Funny Happens When Kids Finish Famous Sayings

eBook, 109 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 01 Novembre 2014 da Happi Kamper Press.

3 stelle (1 recensione)

Priceless Proverbs Book 2 continues where book one left off - with over one hundred additional kid quotes and illustrations. It is the result of hundreds of interviews with young children ages three to twelve, who were presented with the first half of a famous saying or proverb and then asked to finish it themselves.

It began as part of a larger class project by teacher Kristi Porter and the children of Happi Kamper Child Care, located in North Muskegon, Michigan. Each child was to create an individual gift book for his or her parents, and Priceless Proverbs was simply to be one chapter in each child’s book.

Now, the individual answers of the Happi Kamper Kids, as well as those of the children at Community United Methodist Preschool, and Power Play Childcare in N. Muskegon have been combined. Their diverse, candid, and uncensored answers may surprise you, or even …

1 edizione

Priceless Proverbs

3 stelle

Prendete un gruppo di bambini dai tre ai dodici anni e fate loro completare un proverbio o una famosa sentenza dopo aver loro presentato solo la prima parte. Quello che otterrete saranno delle risposte sorprendenti: alcune lo saranno per la loro saggezza, altre per la loro ovvia semplicità, altre ancora per il divertimento che suscitano. Corredato con i disegni dei bambini, questo ebook è davvero carino e ne consiglio la lettura a chiunque.