The Meaning of Matthew

My Son's Murder in Laramie, and a World Transformed

Copertina rigida, 271 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 27 Settembre 2009 da Hudson Street Press.

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5 stelle (1 recensione)

The mother of Matthew Shepard shares her story about her son's death and the choice she made to become an international gay rights activist

Today, the name Matthew Shepard is synonymous with gay rights, but before his grisly murder in 1998, Matthew was simply Judy Shepard's son. For the first time in book form, Judy Shepard speaks about her loss, sharing memories of Matthew, their life as a typical American family, and the pivotal event in the small college town that changed everything.

The Meaning of Matthew follows the Shepard family in the days immediately after the crime, when Judy and her husband traveled to see their incapacitated son, kept alive by life support machines; how the Shepards learned of the incredible response from strangers all across America who held candlelit vigils and memorial services for their child; and finally, how they struggled to navigate the legal system as Matthew's …

1 edizione

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Matthew Wayne Shepard died at 12:53 a.m. on Monday, October 12. But our beloved, opinionated, compassionate, contentious, curious, and loving son had actually died five days earlier, tied to that fence outside Laramie.

The Meaning of Matthew è il memoir nel quale Judy Shepard racconta la vita del figlio Matthew: di quanto sia stata difficile e meravigliosamente imperfetta e di come, nella notte del 6 ottobre 1998, fu interrotta da due individui, Aaron McKinney e Russell Henderson, che non si fecero scrupoli nell’abbordarlo, derubarlo, picchiarlo, torturarlo e lasciarlo a morire legato a una staccionata nelle campagne vicino Laramie. Fu trovato – ancora vivo – molte ore dopo, per caso: trasportato in ospedale, morirà dopo giorni di agonia e senza riprendere mai conoscenza.

L’omicidio ebbe fin da subito un grande risalto mediatico e non solo negli USA: in parte …