The Library Book

lingua English

Pubblicato il 06 Dicembre 2018

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3 stelle (1 recensione)

On the morning of April 28, 1986, a fire alarm sounded in the Los Angeles Public Library. The fire was disastrous: it reached two thousand degrees and burned for more than seven hours. By the time it was extinguished, it had consumed four hundred thousand books and damaged seven hundred thousand more. Investigators descended on the scene, but more than thirty years later, the mystery remains: Did someone purposefully set fire to the library—and if so, who?

Weaving her lifelong love of books and reading into an investigation of the fire, award-winning New Yorker reporter and New York Times bestselling author Susan Orlean delivers a “delightful…reflection on the past, present, and future of libraries in America” (New York magazine) that manages to tell the broader story of libraries and librarians in a way that has never been done before.

In the “exquisitely written, consistently entertaining” (The New York Times) The …

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UNESCO released studies in 1949 and in 1996 listing all the libraries that have been demolished throughout modern history. The number of books destroyed, by UNESCO’s count, is so enormous – in the billions – that I sometimes find it hard to believe there are any books left in the world.

È illuminante vedere come le peggiori nemiche dei libri siano le stesse degli esseri umani: intolleranza e guerre, che hanno fatto strage di biblioteche e culture fin da quando si è iniziato a scrivere. Il senso di perdita che si prova leggendo dei libri andati perduti – due milioni di libri nella sola Italia durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale – è enorme.

Burning books is an inefficient way to conduct a war, since books and libraries have no military value, but it is a devastating act. Destroying …