From Hell

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5 stelle (4 recensioni)

From Hell is a graphic novel by writer Alan Moore and artist Eddie Campbell, originally published in serial form from 1989 to 1998. The full collection was published in 1999 by Top Shelf Productions. Set during the Whitechapel murders of the late Victorian era, the novel speculates upon the identity and motives of Jack the Ripper. The novel depicts several true events surrounding the murders, although portions have been fictionalised, particularly the identity of the killer and the precise nature and circumstances of the murders. The title is taken from the first words of the "From Hell" letter, which some authorities believe was an authentic message sent from the killer in 1888. The collected edition is 572 pages long. The 2000 and later editions are the most common prints. The comic was loosely adapted into a film, released in 2001. In 2000, the graphic novel was banned in Australia for …

5 edizioni

Review of 'From Hell' on 'Goodreads'

4 stelle

This was a damn tough read, but also rather satisfying. The amount of research that went into this graphic novel is simply staggering.
The metaphisycal twist was strange but not unexpected from an author like Moore.
The only thing I didn't fully appreciate were the drawings. I understand it's a precise stylistic choice I'm looking at, but when you have an hard time understanding who's who in a novel this complex, then you've got a problem.

Review of 'From Hell' on 'Goodreads'

5 stelle

Premessa: non entro in merito al colpevole e/o alla sua implicazione nel caso.
La storia è bella, ben scritta e ben narrata. I disegni di Campbell aumentano la sensazione di disagio e paura, andando a mettere ancora più enfasi alle frasi ed al taglio dato da Moore.
Il racconto scorre fluido, facile da seguire e che tiene incollati alle pagine.
Il punto in più, forse, è la parte finale, l'Appendice in cui si spiega per filo e per segno, tutte le tavole e tutte le pagine del fumetto, andando a spiegare il perchè delle varie scelte e la documentazione a sostegno. Vengono portati a sostegno della storia testi e studi sullo Squartatore, indicandone anche le pagine. Moore compie un grande atto, a mio avviso, dicendo cosa ha inventato, cosa forzato e cosa dedotto. Un lavoro con i fiocchi. Magnifico.