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We live in an era in which offensive speech is on the rise. The emergence …

Review of 'Hate' on 'Goodreads'

4 stelle

Nadine Strossen is very convincing and uniquely experienced in the topic. Before coming up with your own definitions of online harassment or whatnot, check this book for the well-known pitfalls.

The forest ranger (1967, Resources for the Future) 5 stelle

Review of 'The forest ranger' on 'Goodreads'

5 stelle

A classic of sociology and the study of the commons, which remains captivating and entertaining. Even though the forest ranger is nowadays a mere metaphor of the challenges of administration and regulation, particularly in the area of the commons, I've also learnt a lot about forest management in the USA. The book is packed with figures and concrete data but remains very enjoyable to read.

I'm a broken record on this, but one of my take aways was how important it is for a central bureaucracy to consider the cost of information when working on such a huge space. The passages on the importance of preserving records and local knowledge, and the difficulty of training new rangers, may sound trivial, but I believe they're crucial.

Dune (2005, Hodder & Stoughton) 3 stelle

Dune is a 1965 epic science fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, originally published …

Review of 'Dune' on 'Goodreads'

4 stelle

Obviously I've only started the book because I was captivated by the eye candy of the movie, but surprisingly I ended up reading it in one sitting because it was very captivating. There's something for everybody.

«Water is the least favourable condition for life on Arrakis. And remember that growth itself can produce unfavourable conditions unless treated with extreme care.»

L'uomo a una dimensione (Italian language, 1999) 5 stelle

One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society is a 1964 book by …

Review of "L'uomo a una dimensione" on 'Goodreads'

5 stelle

Already in 1964, Herbert Marcuse had understood that most of our political discourse is completely missing the point: we need to rethink our approach to technology, or we won't achieve anything apart from touching the cosmetic surface of things. 1986 and 1991 screamed for help, but we failed to listen. Now the climate crisis and the big technological oligopolies expose the deep rot of the system in smaller installments, and the background noise makes it impossible to understand why we seem unable to do anything. Marcuse reminds us to question the basics.

From chapter 7 (1964 translation via «For example, the scientific approach to the vexing problem of mutual annihilation–the mathematics and calculations of kill and over-kill, the measurement of spreading or not-quite-so-spreading fallout, the experiments of endurance in abnormal situations–is mystifying to the extent to which it promotes (and even demands) behavior which accepts the insanity. It thus …

The Ecology of Freedom (1982) 5 stelle

The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy is a 1982 book by …

Review of 'The Ecology of Freedom' on 'Goodreads'

5 stelle

Bookchin attempts to rewrite the history of humanity to prove that hierarchical structures aren't "natural" or "necessary". Paleosociology is inevitably hard and dubious, but Bookchin doesn't pretend to have the truth in his pocket. Every page challenges us to think differently and consider what we could do together as a society.

Bookchin is very aphorism-friendly so it would be easy to extract a myriad slogans. I've wondered about this passage on ecofascism: «To lecture society about its "insatiable" appetites, as our resource-conscious environmentalists are wont to do, is precisely what the modern consumer is not prepared to hear. And to impoverish society with contrived shortage, economic dislocations, and material deprivation is certain to shift the mystification of needs over to a more sinister social ethos, the mystification of scarcity. This ethos–already crystalllized into the "life-boat ethic", "triage", and a new bourgeois imagery of "claw-and-fang" called /survivalism/–marks the first steps towards …

La bière du pecheur (Italian language, 1989, Rizzoli) Nessuna valutazione

Review of 'La bière du pecheur' on 'Goodreads'

Nessuna valutazione

Un romanzo sull'impossibilità per il narratore di scrivere un romanzo, per questioni stilistiche e narrative che emergono dalla storia e da tutti gli "inserti meta-narrativi" (mi invento il nome tecnico, vabbè, insomma qualcosa meta-qualcos'altro). Intelligente e divertente, ma leggendolo ho avuto la forte impressione che tale tecnica fosse già superata cinquant'anni fa, insomma non stupisce piú nessuno, e resta senza scopo una certa pesantezza linguistica che quindi non appaga molto. Comunque val la pena di leggerlo, anche perché è corto. Qualche citazione qui: