nemobis ha recensito Heaven and Hell di Jón Kalman Stefánsson
In a remote part of Iceland, a boy and his friend Barethur join a boat …
Review of 'Heaven and Hell' on 'Goodreads'
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In a remote part of Iceland, a boy and his friend Barethur join a boat …
A seminal work which is altogether pleasant to read. Mandatory reading for anyone involved in common goods management and thinking (including water, environment, cultural commons with copyright or copyleft, online communities).
Ostrom shows that there are many different ways to manage common goods (or specifically common pool resources, CPR) and various kinds of local, decentralised or custom-based governance systems have proved successful. The dychotomy between privatization and state control is a false one because it's based on equally impossible assumptions (perfectly rational market actors, perfect monitoring by an omniscient central authority), as even a modicum of game theory is able to show. Ostrom provides a theory, or rather a framework (as she prefers to say) to understand a series of case studies on the ground and attempt to reproduce successful governance systems in other cases with limited disruption.
Fully downloadable at
Useful context and overview of the field, enjoyable to read. Although some specific examples made are useful only for historical reasons, most of the considerations survived the passage of time quite well.
Charming take on a fascinating topic, very readable although it references a number of scholars and UNO documents. The points of view stemming from the USSR are duly noted but the approach is strictly multilateral.
Some of the issues are still relevant today, for instance the regulation of international communication and broadcasting. The internet has made the issue more pervasive and courts are getting to the core of the dispute only now.