Paperback, 448 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 16 Febbraio 2003 da Tor Science Fiction.

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5 stelle (3 recensioni)

1 edizione

Review of Hominids by Robert J. Sawyer

4 stelle

An engaging and well-researched story where "parallel" histories are bridged by a quantum portal, and the unwitting visitor creates opportunities to reflect on both worlds. The story drags a bit a bit in the middle, and the embedded courtroom drama is a bit derivative, but a satisfying story, and a pleasant read full of science and ideas to think on.

Shockingly Relevant

5 stelle

Despite being nearly 20 years old now, the social commentary in this book is shockingly relevant now more than ever. It feels that western society has made little to no forward progress since this book was published, still struggling with the basic concepts of human decency the book puts forward regularly.

This was already a 5 star book for me, and this reread would have me rate it even higher if I could.

Review of 'Hominids' on 'Goodreads'

5 stelle

Despite being nearly 20 years old now, the social commentary in this book is shockingly relevant now more than ever.
It feels that western society has made little to no forward progress since this book was published, still struggling with the basic concepts of human decency the book puts forward regularly.

This was already a 5 star book for me, and this reread would have me rate it even higher if I could.


  • Science Fiction - Alternative History
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Fiction / Science Fiction / General
  • Science Fiction - General