taschenbuch, 671 pagine

lingua German

Pubblicato il 13 Febbraio 2017 da Heyne Verlag.

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4 stelle (9 recensioni)

Die Menschheit hat das Sonnensystem kolonisiert. Auf dem Mond, dem Mars, im Asteroidengürtel und noch darüber hinaus gibt es Stationen und werden Rohstoffe abgebaut. Doch die Sterne sind den Menschen bisher verwehrt geblieben. Als James Holden, Kapitän eines kleinen Minenschiffs, ein havariertes Schiff aufbringt, ahnt er nicht, welch gefährliches Geheimnis er in Händen hält - ein Geheimnis, das die Zukunft der ganzen menschlichen Zivilisation für immer verändern wird.

20 edizioni

Not very exciting...

2 stelle

For me, this was a frontier western story in space, and I was not sure why I should be interested. It made me question the whole premise of 'humanity conquers the solar system/universe' science fiction. Why would humanity settle Mars and the Asteroid Belt to begin with, and why would society change so little in that process?

If you like mystery, violence, horror and want it set in space, this might just be your thing; it did not appeal to me.

Review of 'Leviathan Wakes' on 'Goodreads'

5 stelle

Um, here's a thought, but don't read it unless you've already read the book, okay:

I feel kinda horrible to say it, but I was kinda glad when Miller got killed off. Not that I wasn't sad; he was one of my favorite characters, and I really loved how he developed over the course of the novel. It's just like this: if I'm going to stick around for a what, nine-book series, I want to see that the authors aren't afraid of change. Too many books I've read are afraid to let anything happen because they want their readers to keep loving the characters they first saw. (The Oz series is predominantly on my mind; every book solved the conflict with yet another magic object to the point where one of the later plots--and in my opinion one of the more interesting ones--has an evil magician steal all their magic …

Review of 'Leviathan Wakes' on 'Goodreads'

4 stelle

Solido romanzo sf/space opera che, pur essendo piuttosto classico nelle tematiche (esplorazione/colonizzazione spaziale, primo contatto), le affronta in modo solido e convincente. L'universo in cui si muovono i personaggi è credibile e sufficientemente dettagliato. Più volte durante la lettura mi è capitato di pensare "si, quando colonizzeremo il sistema solare le cose potrebbero davvero andare così". I punti deboli riguardano innanzitutto il taglio un po' troppo "alla blockbuster", con l'onnipresente cliffhagerino di fine capitolo per creare l'effetto "solo un altro capitolo poi smetto" che francamente alla lunga trovo fastidioso.

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