Jakers ha recensito Tiamat's Wrath di James S.A. Corey (The Expanse, #8)
I was not emotionally prepared for this book.
5 stelle
Avviso sul contenuto Vague plot spoilers
There's a lot to say about this book. It reminds me a lot of the first three books in the series, especially in terms of pacing. There's never a moment where the story stops happening, except maybe to build on some of the characters. The pacing is incredible, and sets up the final book in a way that had me both excited to finish the series and dreading the end - I genuinely don't want this to be over.
This book was incredibly well-paced. I won't spoil anything, but there's a major character death involved, but it happens during one of the massive battles in the book. But the others can't really stop, and instead, they carry that with them until the end of the book. When you finally get a chance to take a breath, you realize there's one more thing to do: you have to mourn with the remaining crew of the Roci. It's such a brilliant, well-written moment that truly reflects what it must be like to lose someone you love in battle, but having to continue fighting.
I'm taking a bit of a breather before Leviathan Falls, but good lord, I can't wait to see how all this ends up.