Eric Wagoner 📚 ha recensito Artemis di Andy Weir
My favorite Andy Weir book yet
5 stelle
The main character's voice was perfection.
Andy Weir, David Garmark: Artemis (AudiobookFormat, Danish language, 2020, DreamLitt Aps)
lingua Danish
Pubblicato il 22 Gennaio 2020 da DreamLitt Aps.
Det var aldrig meningen, at Jasmine Bashara skulle være en helt. Hun ville bare være rig. Ikke styrtende rig som mange af de besøgende i hendes hjemby, månekolonien Artemis. Bare rig nok til at flytte ud af sin kisteagtige lejlighed og spise noget, der er bedre end alger tilsat smag. Rig nok til at betale en gammel gæld. Da chancen for et stort udbytte byder sig, siger Jazz ikke nej.
Det kræver dog, at hun tager springet fra at være en ubetydelig smugler til at være kriminel strateg, og der kræves også en helt særlig kombination af kløgt, tekniske færdigheder og store eksplosioner – for ikke at nævne en rendyrket fræk attitude.
Planlægningen af den perfekte forbrydelse er kun begyndelsen på Jazz’ problemer. Hendes lille kup placerer hende midt i en sammensværgelse om kontrollen over Artemis – og snart jages hun af både loven og en lovløs morder.
The main character's voice was perfection.
Andy Weir's novels are fun, easy, light-hearted reads. They always have a smug, smart-assed main character that often goes over the line to be likeable (and often succeeds, I must admit).
Nonetheless his novels are also very spot-on when it comes to scientific accuracy on everything space-related. Weir has the ability to explain even the most boring stuff in a fun, easy to follow style.
Artemis's plot is maybe a little far fetched: you've got the main character messing badly with the city's oxygen supply (a city on the moon, btw), risking everybody's lives for entirely personal reasons, and still she's depicted as a the good guy (well, gal in this case). But if you're willing to turn a blind eye on this, the plot is good and unfolds in a steady and gripping pace.
Weir's writing style is probably nothing to write home about, but it's never dull either, …
Andy Weir's novels are fun, easy, light-hearted reads. They always have a smug, smart-assed main character that often goes over the line to be likeable (and often succeeds, I must admit).
Nonetheless his novels are also very spot-on when it comes to scientific accuracy on everything space-related. Weir has the ability to explain even the most boring stuff in a fun, easy to follow style.
Artemis's plot is maybe a little far fetched: you've got the main character messing badly with the city's oxygen supply (a city on the moon, btw), risking everybody's lives for entirely personal reasons, and still she's depicted as a the good guy (well, gal in this case). But if you're willing to turn a blind eye on this, the plot is good and unfolds in a steady and gripping pace.
Weir's writing style is probably nothing to write home about, but it's never dull either, and considering the heavy load of scientific stuff he writes about, that's some accomplishment.
I recommend this to everyone who is at least a little bit interested in space exploration.