We Are Legion (We Are Bob)

(We Are Bob) Bobiverse, 1

308, pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 14 Aprile 2017 da Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency.

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4 stelle (3 recensioni)

4 edizioni

Interesting ideas but could not be more cishetmale if it tried

3 stelle

I enjoyed a lot of the planet exploration and Von Neumann aspects of the story. But even as a white guy it was kind of painful how little mention women got in this book. And Bob’s past is just… vague and generic and he responds heroically but predictably to the challenges thrown at him.

Like I don’t feel you will waste your time reading this, but I feel people should go in with their eyes open to just how generic the characters and characterizations are, even while the exploration of some of the scientific ideas is quite cool. Also, I feel zero urge to read any of the sequels.

Review of 'WE ARE LEGION (WE ARE BOB) M' on 'Goodreads'

3 stelle

This one reminded me of Andy Weir's novels. Heavy on the engineering stuff, full of nerdy references, lots of humor. And still somehow it fell short. The base idea is rather good: a software engineer has his head frozen after his death, in hope to be revived somewhere in the future. Which happens, more or less. His mind gets uploaded in a self-replicating probe sent to explore space. Not bad. Unfortunately execution is average. Taylor is not as good as Weir when it comes to keeping attention high when talking about tech stuff. And his humor didn't really work for me. Finally, the story does not conclude with this novel, not even a little sense of closure. You don't do that, even if you had an entire saga in your mind since the beginning.