urbaer ha recensito What Abigail Did That Summer di Ben Aaronovitch (Rivers of London, #5.3)
Review of 'What Abigail Did That Summer' on 'GoodReads'
I don't quite know what I think of this one. Abagail is nice enough and the foxes are charming.
I like the concept of the situation/big bad that Abagail is facing in theory maybe more than I like it in practice. I like the idea of it, but I don't think it plays out the right way. I'm trying to keep this spoiler free and I suspect that I shouldn't.
My major bugbear was two things, first I was unclear who Abagail is writing this for. Postmartin is making notes for someone (it may have been pointed out early on who for, but I may have forgotten) on Abagail's prose and this mostly feels like it's an excuse to explain Britishisms to Americans, because presumably American readers can't be bothered to google things when they hit a word that they don't know. But also to explain some youf speak which …
I don't quite know what I think of this one. Abagail is nice enough and the foxes are charming.
I like the concept of the situation/big bad that Abagail is facing in theory maybe more than I like it in practice. I like the idea of it, but I don't think it plays out the right way. I'm trying to keep this spoiler free and I suspect that I shouldn't.
My major bugbear was two things, first I was unclear who Abagail is writing this for. Postmartin is making notes for someone (it may have been pointed out early on who for, but I may have forgotten) on Abagail's prose and this mostly feels like it's an excuse to explain Britishisms to Americans, because presumably American readers can't be bothered to google things when they hit a word that they don't know. But also to explain some youf speak which is fairly easy to decipher from context.
But it's a light quick read and expands the Rivers world somewhat, so... yeah.