Bae Myung-hoon

Dettagli autore

04 Giugno 1978

Collegamenti esterni

Bae Myung-hoon (Korean: 배명훈; born 1978) is a South Korean science fiction writer. He has written ten novels, over fifty short stories and novellas, and numerous essays. He is best known for his composite novel Taweo (타워 Tower) and short story collection Anyeong, ingongjonjae (안녕, 인공존재 Hello, The Artificial Being!). He was named one of the “ten best science fiction writers in South Korea” by The Science Times in 2012.

Libri di Bae Myung-hoon

Bae Myung-hoon: IN ORBITA! (Paperback, Italiano language, 2024, Add) Nessuna valutazione

