notplants-2023 Pubblico

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  1. The Future Is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes and Mourning Songs di 

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    Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha follows up their incredible book Care Work with The Future Is Disabled. Piepzna-Samarasinha writes about the last …

  2. Contemplative Prayer di 

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    In this classic text, Thomas Merton offers valuable guidance for prayer. He brings together a wealth of meditative and mystical …

  3. Matri Vani: Vol. I di ,

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    sayings of Anandamayi Ma, translated by Atmananda

  4. Sensory: Life on the Spectrum di 

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    A colorful and eclectic comics anthology exploring a wide range of autistic experiences—from diagnosis journeys to finding community—from autistic contributors. …

  5. These Seats Are Reserved: Caste, Quotas and the Constitution of India di 

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    Reservation or affirmative action is a hugely controversial policy in India. While constitutionally mandated and with historians, political scientists and …

  6. Nature In The City: Bengaluru in the Past, Present and Future di 

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    In a rapidly urbanizing India, what is the future of nature conservation? How does the march of development impact the …

  7. The Words of My Perfect Teacher di 

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    Text of Rñiṅ-ma-pa doctrine for the Rdzogs-chen practice.

  8. Ma In Her Words di 

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