Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps

Bottled light Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps -- Volume 2

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Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (2017)

lingua English

Pubblicato il 20 Gennaio 2017

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"Hal Jordan is about to go from the head of the Green Lantern Corps to an army of one. Jordan's long, illustrious--and tumultuous--tenure with the Corps takes several hairpin turns. At lightspeed. Toward a black hole. In a blender! For starters, the Green Lantern Corps has disappeared, and now Sinestro's own Corps enforces his uniquely brutal brand of law and order in the universe. As a result, Jordan has no ring to sling, or Sector 2814 (a.k.a. Earth) to protect. (So more of the usual for Hal!)"--

1 edizione


  • Comic books, strips