339, pagine
lingua French
Pubblicato il 28 Agosto 1869 da M. Lévy.
ou, Méditations de gastronomie transcendante : ouvrage théorique, historique et à l'ordre du jour dédié aux gastronomes parisiens Collection Michel Lévy
339, pagine
lingua French
Pubblicato il 28 Agosto 1869 da M. Lévy.
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, Mayor of Bellay, cousin of Madame Recamier, Chevalier de l'Empire, author of A History of Duelling and a number of racy stories (unfortunately lost), whose sister died in her hundredth year having just finished a good meal and shouting loudly for her dessert, is now best known for his "Physiologie du Gout", which was first published in December 1825. The work has a timeless appeal - being wise, witty and anecdotal, containing some of the best recipes for food and some of the most satisfactory observations on life.