The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red

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The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red (2001, Hachette Books)

lingua English

Pubblicato il 05 Dicembre 2001 da Hachette Books.

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The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red is a 2001 novel by Ridley Pearson focusing on the life of the fictional John and Ellen Rimbauer and the construction of their mansion, Rose Red, in the early 20th century. Built on an old Indian burial ground, Rose Red is considered haunted and mysterious tragedies occur throughout the mansion's history. The novel is written in the form of a diary by Ellen Rimbauer, and annotated by the fictional professor of paranormal activity, Joyce Reardon. The novel also presents a fictional afterword by Ellen Rimbauer's grandson, Steven.

1 edizione


  • Seattle