Una porta per ogni cuore

Wayward Children #1

lingua Italiano

4 stelle (4 recensioni)

Da sempre, nelle giuste condizioni, i bambini scompaiono: vengono risucchiati dalle ombre sotto il letto, scivolano dietro gli armadi, cadono nelle tane di coniglio o in fondo a vecchi pozzi. E poi rispuntano… da qualche altra parte. Peccato che, spesso, i Regni Fatati non sappiano che farsene di nuovi bambini magici.

Anche Nancy era scomparsa, ma ora è tornata. Quello che ha vissuto, però…be’, da lì non c’è modo di tornare. I bambini affidati alle cure di Eleanor West lo sanno fin troppo bene: ciascuno di loro sta cercando una strada per tornare al proprio mondo fantastico.

Ma l’arrivo di Nancy porta grandi cambiamenti nella casa, dove ogni angolo nasconde qualcosa di oscuro. E quando la tragedia irrompe, Nancy e i suoi nuovi amici sanno che toccherà a loro arrivare al cuore delle cose.

Costi quello che costi.

2 edizioni

Fast read, intriguing concept and characters, but the plot gets in the way

4 stelle

A fast read with an intriguing concept that reverses multiple YA fantasy tropes: It’s a non-magical boarding school for teens who have experienced magic. And it’s not about the adventures they have going through the portal to a fantasy world, but about how they handle the trauma of coming back to the mundane one. The characters are interesting, and I’d like to read more about them, but halfway through it turns into a murder mystery. That gives it a plot, but it comes at the expense of the characterization. (And some of the characters.) It was entertaining, though, and it does make me want to check out the second book.


If the murder mystery didn't exist.

3 stelle

I loved everything about this book except the murder mystery. It honestly felt as if the murders existed to just make all these interesting kids do something, when, in all actuality, the characters were so developed they would have made this a fascinating read without the murder mystery. I hope the second book is a bit more character driven. Mysteries do not work well in this series. The writing is really good. Dialog is epic! And, above all, the murder mystery in this book just made me unwilling to finish it. Remove the murder mystery, and I'd give this book more praise.


  • Fiction
  • fantasy
  • general
  • portal fantasy
  • nostalgia
  • found family
