Trumps of Doom (Amber Novels)

Amber (4)

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Trumps of Doom (Amber Novels) (AudiobookFormat, 2003, Americana Publishing)

audio cassette

lingua English

Pubblicato il 09 Gennaio 2003 da Americana Publishing.

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5 stelle (1 recensione)

Book 6 of the Chronicles of Amber. Merlin, son of Prince Corwin, is finishing up his education on Shadow Earth, and wrapping up a few loose ends. For example, why does someone attempt to kill him, every April 30th? The latest attempt leads him to the loss of an old love, a strange deck of Trumps, and a reconnection with an old friend. But all roads lead to Amber, and the mystery leads him into further danger....

7 edizioni


  • Fantasy - General
  • Audio Adult: Books On Tape
  • Abridged Audio - Fiction/Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Audio - Science Fiction / Fantasy