The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

Copertina rigida, 187 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 04 Maggio 1981 da Book Club Associates.

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2 stelle (1 recensione)

Milliways, the restaurant ofthe title, has been projected forward in time to the exact moment ofthe end of the universe. While galactic gourmets sample delectable dishes they watch in total comfort as constellations collide and asteroids explode in what can only be described as the ultimate cabaret. Milliways is just one of the many cosmic venues penetrated by Arthur Dent, earthling, Zaphod Beeblebrox, former president of the imperial galactic govern- ment, Marvin the Paranoid Android and others in a further sequence of inadvertent adventures and technicolour catastrophes in outer space.

For followers of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy on radio and television, Douglas Adam's second book will provide a lasting contribution to a superlative flight of fantasy. --back cover

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