Antifragile : Les Bienfaits Du Desordre

lingua French

Pubblicato il 22 Agosto 2013

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Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder is a book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb published on November 27, 2012, by Random House in the United States and Penguin in the United Kingdom. This book builds upon ideas from his previous works including Fooled by Randomness (2001), The Black Swan (2007–2010), and The Bed of Procrustes (2010–2016) and is the fourth book in the five-volume philosophical treatise on uncertainty titled Incerto. Some of the ideas are expanded in Taleb’s fifth book Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life (2018).

10 edizioni

Review of 'Antifragile' on 'Goodreads'

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With an interesting theoretical concept in mind, Taleb succeeds in my stopping reading this book after 50 pages. One doesn't have to disqualify main stream science, the president of the FED every page, end on end. Make your point, state your opinion in a grown up manner. Don't be a child and a bore. Bought it second hand. Goes into the waste-paper.