
die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend His Gesammelte Werke

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Demian (German language, 1925, S. Fischer)

228, pagine

lingua German

Pubblicato il 26 Settembre 1925 da S. Fischer.

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5 stelle (2 recensioni)

A young man awakens to selfhood and to a world of possibilities beyond the conventions of his upbringing in Nobel Prize winner Hermann Hesse’s beloved novel Demian. Emil Sinclair is a quiet boy drawn into a forbidden yet seductive realm of petty crime and defiance. His guide is his precocious, mysterious classmate Max Demian, who provokes in Emil a search for self-discovery and spiritual fulfillment. A brilliant psychological portrait, Demian is given new life in this translation, which together with James Franco’s personal and inspiring foreword will bring a new generation to Hesse’s widely influential coming-of-age novel.

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  • German language materials