La meccanica nel suo sviluppo storico-critico

Brossura, 509 pagine

lingua Italiano

Pubblicato da Bollati Boringhieri.

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A Critical and Historical Account of Its Development The first edition of the English translation by Mr M'Cormack of Mach's Mechanics was published in 1893, ant was carefully revised by Professor Mach himself. Since then two other editions of this translation have appeared, in which the alterations contained in the successive German editions have been embodied in the form of appendices. In the seventh German edition, however, which appeared at Leipsic (F. A, Brockbaus) in 1912, there have been more profound modifications in the plan of Professor Mach's work, which are shortly referred to in the preface to that edition. Many things are added and some things are omitted. Among the parts omitted are the prefaces to all of the German editions except the first, and a new preface to the seventh edition has been added. The most extensive additions relate to recent historical researches on the work of Galileo's …

1 edizione


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