On Photography

Brossura, 224 pagine

lingua English

Pubblicato il 25 Agosto 2001 da Picador.

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On Photography is a 1977 collection of essays by Susan Sontag. It originally appeared as a series of essays in the New York Review of Books between 1973 and 1977. In the book, Sontag expresses her views on the history and present-day role of photography in capitalist societies as of the 1970s. Sontag discusses many examples of modern photography, among these, she contrasts Diane Arbus's work with that of Depression-era documentary photography commissioned by the Farm Security Administration. (Wikipedia)

14 edizioni


  • Photography As An Art
  • Photography
  • Photo Essays
  • Criticism
  • Photography / General
  • General
  • Artistic photography
  • Photography, Artistic