The Circumference of the World

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The Circumference of the World (2023, Tachyon Publications)

lingua English

Pubblicato il 26 Gennaio 2023 da Tachyon Publications.

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Caught between realities, a mathematician, a book dealer, and a mobster desperately seek a notorious book that disappears upon being read. Only the author, a rakish sci-fi writer, knows whether his popular novel, which has spawned an obsessive following, is truthful or a hoax. In a story that is cosmic, inventive, and sly, multi-award-winning author Lavie Tidhar (Central Station) travels from the emergence of life to the very ends of the universe.

“ Tidhar’s slippery metafictional tale lyrically entangles scientific fact, mysticism, and mental illness. This is a knockout.” —Publishers Weekly

2 edizioni