enne📚 ha recensito Into the Riverlands di Nghi Vo
Into the Riverlands
4 stelle
The third book (out of four?) continues on the same storytelling vein as the first two, in that it's a standalone tale that thematically is about the nature of stories. All three of these first books could be read in any order, as the only continuity is the archivist monk Chih and their bird[*] friend Almost Brilliant.
What I most enjoyed about this novella was the strongly intertwined past and present stories (even more than the first book), and also the themes of how stories are distorted based on both what people want to hear and how people want their own stories to be told.
All three of these books have been enjoyable in their own different ways, but I feel like the story arc of this book had the most satisfying closure to it, such that I would probably recommend this one as the strongest one to start with …
The third book (out of four?) continues on the same storytelling vein as the first two, in that it's a standalone tale that thematically is about the nature of stories. All three of these first books could be read in any order, as the only continuity is the archivist monk Chih and their bird[*] friend Almost Brilliant.
What I most enjoyed about this novella was the strongly intertwined past and present stories (even more than the first book), and also the themes of how stories are distorted based on both what people want to hear and how people want their own stories to be told.
All three of these books have been enjoyable in their own different ways, but I feel like the story arc of this book had the most satisfying closure to it, such that I would probably recommend this one as the strongest one to start with if somebody was interested.
[*] disputed