Seine letzte Frau

Kaiser Krimi 040

taschenbuch, 156 pagine

lingua German

Pubblicato da Kaiser.

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John Levering Benedict III had more money, mansions, cars, and women than most men. That included three ex-wives with extraordinary physiques. One of these beauties had bashed in Benedict's skull. The clues were many and all had been planted at the scene of the brutal crime. But by whom? The green wig belonged to a redheaded Vegas show girl. The sequined gown had highlighted the bouncy silhouette of a blonde off-Broadway actress. The long evening gloves were the property of a bosomy small-town nurse. These were more than an inventory of ladies' wear. For they were found on the scene of a brutal crime during a hideaway weekend, near the body of an internationally known jet-setter notorious for his pursuit of beautiful women. What did they mean? ... Above all there is the question: Who was the last woman in his life?

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